Monday, October 18, 2010

Kazakhstan, Health, and Lunch

Dear Birch Enthusiasts!

I am delighted to inform you about a brown-bag lecture next month. Here is the official invitation:


The Culture, Religion and Communications Unit at Columbia University’s Global Health Research Center of Central Asia is launching its series of speaker presentations this Fall 2010 as well as organizing a conference in Spring 2011. The theme for this lecture series and conference is “Taboo & Stigma: Perceptions of Health and Disease in Central Asia.” The first lunch lecture is:

The History of Medicine and Health in Modern Central Asia
Presentation by Dr. Paula A. Michaels
Associate Professor of Russian/Soviet history, University of Iowa
Friday, November 5, 2010 12:00-1:30pm, 1219 IAB
(420 W. 118th St., New York, NY, 10027)
Co-sponsored by GHRCCA & the Harriman Institute
Open to the Public, please RSVP to

Incorporating elements of Islamic, shamanic, Indian, and Chinese medical systems, as well as modern biomedicine, twentieth-century Kazakhstan offers a rich field for inquiry into the use of medicine as what historian Daniel Headrick describes as a "tool of empire." Kazakhstan provides a vivid case study in knowledge transfer and cross-cultural contact, as the Soviet state and Communist Party used improved access to biomedical care and upward mobility for indigenous medical workers in an attempt to win the support of the local population for the Soviet project. Moscow's effort to entrench Soviet power in part through the use of medical and public health initiatives met with considerable success, as methods that ranged from didactic to violent drove indigenous forms of healing underground. A syncretic system emerged in which Kazakhs continued to turn to both biomedical caregivers and ethnomedical practitioners.

GHRCCA’s Culture, Religion, and Communication (CRC) Unit is committed to fostering culturally specific and culturally-inspired approaches to health-related research in Central Asia.

For more about the lecture and CRC Unit, visit:

This lecture is part of the CRC’s 2010-2011 lecture series and conference “Taboo and Stigma: Perceptions of Health and Disease in Central Asia.” The conference will take place in April 2011 and is co-sponsored by Columbia’s Global Centers.

For more about the conference, visit:


This is a great opportunity to meet individuals at Columbia who are interested in Central Asia and have your cake too (well, a Milano sandwich to be precise). Bring your friends and meet me there!


1 comment:

  1. Uva Ursi - Excellent Blog every one can get lots of information for any topics from this blog nice work keep it up.
