Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Khlebnikov lives

Was just told about an awesome site dedicated to Russian Futurist poet Khlebnikov. Here is the link to listen to music using his poetry as lyrics: http://khlebnikov.info/audio/56/music-khlebnikov

Who is Khlebnikov? Apparently, a primitivist, Futurist, anti-Symbolist, Slavophile, shy, pillowcase-carrying, pointillist-and-cubist-appealing-to poet.

Here is a translation of one of his poems:

Bo-beh-oh-bee is the lipsong
Veh-eh-oh-mee is the eyesong
Pee-eh-eh-oh is the eyebrowsong
Lee-eh-eh-ay is the looksong
Gzee-gzee-gzeh-oh is the chainsong
On the canvas of such correspondences
somewhere beyond all dimensionshttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
the face has a life of its own.

translated by Paul Schmidt